Tuesday, October 12, 2010


That was my heart yesterday. It was beating rapidly and my blood pressure was sky high. Funny thing (or not so funny, depending on how you look at it) is that I wouldn't have known it except that I was having this really weird visual disturbance and my face felt fat. So, I had them take my blood pressure at work and that made them send me upstairs to one of the family doctors. The doc, who is completely and totally awesome, was very concerned and sat with me and talked and talked and talked while he waited for the nitroglycerin he gave me to work. I was thisclose to going to the hospital in an ambulance. The nitro brought my BP and my heart rate down. My EKG looked okay.

I have to start some new blood pressure meds. Yay. If it makes me feel as good as I did after the nitro, I guess I'm okay with it. The only thing that bothers me is that I have been working so hard at getting myself in shape and working on the old heart and lungs and it depresses me that it just wasn't enough. Or it wasn't happening fast enough.

I only told Jay about it and I'm not going to tell the kids. I don't want my mom or my MIL to know. I'm kind of embarassed, truth be told, about it. I don't know why, I just am.

Just trying to work it all out in my brain. And my heart, I guess.


  1. Keep exercising. Maybe you can get off the meds after a bit.

  2. SO glad you were at work & they caught it! Like Finn said, keep at it; you'll get there.

    (I suck at commenting, but always read & pop in once in awhile to add my 2 cents; thanks for the invite.)

  3. My BP has been elevated lately too. I guess I'd better start exercising more.


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