Sunday, October 31, 2010

Bean's Halloween

Bean (my granddaughter) always stays over here on Thursday nights because I'm off of work on Fridays and so I can get her off to school in the morning. It was the same this past Thursday and Friday. Friday morning, She went to her overnight bag to get her clothes for the day and found homework that was supposed to be due that morning. A week's worth of homework that had not been started. Several short writing assignments, a math assignment and a geography assignment. This was a short 30 minutes prior to the bus coming. No way we could have finished it in time for school. So, I wrote her teacher a note, explaining the misunderstanding and that she would turn it in on Monday. Then, I told her mom, Ally, about it and that we put it back in her overnight bag and sent it back home and that she would have to help Bean finish it before Monday.

Flash forward to Halloween night. We get a call from Ally at 7pm saying that they aren't going to make it to our house for trick-or-treating (they always come here and go around our neighborhood because they live in an apartment and don't trust to go there for trick-or-treating). Apparently, they hadn't eaten yet and they hadn't started on Bean's homework yet and it's a school/work night so Bean wasn't going to go trick-or-treating at all.

I'm so fucking mad, I can't see straight. I don't know how I'm able to write this post. Not only that, it's just a symptom of Bean's life and I'm so sad about it. If it were the only thing bad that ever happened to her, I'd just say, "oh well, she'll get over it". But bad shit happens to that kid every damn day. Her mom basically ignores her and has no time for her. Her stepfather to be is mean to her and picks on her daily and is basically just a huge asshole. (That's another story for another day.) Her mom also never thinks of what Bean needs or what's best for Bean. Another example is that she sent Bean here without a jacket and it was 25 degrees here on Friday morning. You could say that maybe she didn't realize that it was going to be so cold, but it was nearly as cold the day before. And forget about hat and gloves, she didn't have those either.

I'm just beside myself and there's not a damn thing I can do about it. What she does, or doesn't do, is not illegal or any grounds for us getting Bean. It's so frustrating. They have to break her or physically damage her before anyone will do anything. I wanna scream.


  1. Poor little Bean. That really stinks. Perhaps you could do something really fun for her this Thursday to try to make up for it?

  2. Aw...poor Bean. Sometimes it's tough to be a grandparent, isn't it. Is there any way with your schedules (& her parents) that you may be able to get another day a week or so? Just to "help them out"?


Please tell me what you think, but be kind and respectful.